Beef and Sheep​​

Vet Supplies


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Equiderm® has traditionally been the go-to for mudfever, and is also fast acting for other wounds, cuts and grazes both for the rider and the horse. There is visible repair overnight.

Look out for the early signs of mudfever if your horse is lame and there is heat or swelling of parts of the leg, and pain when you press. In these early stages before lesions occur you can often prevent it progressing by using a sulphur based barrier cream like Equiderm®.

Catching it early can save you money and time. Don’t let mudfever put a dampener on the start to your season!

Fly Ax™

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Fly-Ax™ is a granular bait that is highly attractive to many species of flies including house flies, blow flies, biting, nuisance and bot flies. Fly-Ax™ has a fly sex attractant plus other ingredients to attract flies, flies feeding on the bait are quickly killed after ingestion.

Active Ingredients; The insecticide Methomyl 10g/kg Fly sex attractant Tricolure*(Muscalure) Plus Gustative baits. Formulated and produced in New Zealand
Fly-Ax™ is a preventative product that reduces the possibility of fly populations from establishing and is the key to prevent populations from becoming infestations and reducing the likelihood of fly related problems.

NZFSA Approval

Fly-Ax™ is approved for use in premises registered under the Animal Products Act, NZFSA Approved Type B (all animals except dairy) This means that Fly-Ax™ is approved for use around food producing animals and all premises processing animal product except dairy factories or in areas processing edible product.

General information.

There are many species of fly that effect animal production. Sheep are affected by blow flies that lay eggs on the fleece and can burrow onto the skin the feeding larvae cause the wound to spread leading to severe irritation, loss of appetite, rubbing, biting dehydration and infection-death. Dairy cow production can be effected by the biting /nuisance fly, these irritate the animal causing them to stamp their feet swish tails and not eat.

Horses and other domestic animals are also affected by these flies which also known as stable flies cause high levels of annoyance and distress. Animals become irritated and hard to handle. Fly-Ax™ is a preventative product because it works on preventing fly populations from establishing.

Keeping the fly population low at the start on the season and then keeping it under control throughout the season is the key to preventing fly populations from becoming infestations and reducing the likelihood of fly-related problems.

Packaging Fly-Ax™ is packed in 400gm 3kg & 5kg containers

Fly-Ax™ Uses

Fly-Ax™ is ideal for use in the following areas/situations, wherever flies are found outside

  • Wool sheds and yards at shearing and docking
  • Dairy farms (not within 20 metres of the vat or shed) and feed pads and effluent areas around the dairy shed, cattle feedlots
  • Horse stables and yards especially areas when bot flies are prevalent.
  • Piggeries/pig sties
  • Poultry sheds/houses
  • Dog kennels & Catteries (but not in reach of the animals – Fly-ax is a poison)
  • Compost bins
  • Refuse containers and stations
  • Bait Stations

Bait stations should be placed so as to draw flies away from areas where they are a nuisance; they should be fixed in place and out of the wind and protected from rain as much as possible. They should be placed out of the reach of children, animals.


Place Fly-Ax™ onto trays or suitable shallow containers (such as foil oven trays)spread evenly on container so as to allow as many flies to land as possible to come in contact with the bait at the rate of 100gm Fly-ax per 40m₂


Do not use in areas where exposed meat, milk or other edible products are present or used.

WARNING: This product may be harmful if swallowed or absorbed through skin.

PRECAUTIONS: Store in original container, tightly closed away from foodstuffs, animals and children. When handling, wear waterproof gloves and DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. Remove protective clothing and wash hands and face before meals and after work. Dispose of empty container safely.

FIRST AID: If swallowed flush with water. Do not cause vomiting if patient is unconscious or convulsing. Take to hospital without delay.

Mandersons Mix

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Manderson’s Mix™ is a drench containing a combination of oils that may help animals suffering from stress.

The blend of oils in Manderson’s Mix™ supports healthy gut function as well as skin and hair growth. Use Manderson’s Mix™ all year round, and notice the difference when you clip. Manderson’s Mix™ is easy to use, just pour the dose on the feed.

  • Oral drench to benefit animals under stress
  • Cost-effective
  • Easy to administer in a one-off drench
  • Completely natural and safe
  • No withholding periods for meat or milk

Anecdotally, farmers who have used MANDERSON’s MIX™ have observed rapid recovery of stock suffering from stress.

Thirty-five years ago a Kairanga (Manawatu) dairy farmer, Peter Manderson, developed Manderson’s Mix™. Since then, his blend of oils called Manderson’s Mix™, has been used and praised by farmers throughout the North Island.

Mr Manderson is a successful farmer and former owner of the Luck Hollow Holstein Friesian Stud, which is now owned and operated by his sons. He developed Manderson’s Mix™ for his stocks ailments. Adding the oil blend to a predominantly pasture diet seemed to be just the ticket to offer his cows a more nutritionally balanced diet, and aid in the recovery of animals that had suffered from stress.

The mode of action of Manderson’s Mix™ is, at this stage, unknown. However, veterinarians and nutritionists alike, are able to explain the health benefits of the vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids that are contained in the oil blend.

Other Products for Beef and Sheep use

Aloe Vera Gel Cobalt Sulphate Copper Sulphate Dextrose Hoof Power Seal Methylated Spirits Salt Sodium Molybdate Zinc Oxide Zinc Sulphate If you can’t find this product locally, please contact us and we will try to help you find what you need.


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Doing everything by the book, but still got scouring calves???

Scour-Mate™ has a unique formulation that is layered in sheets. Pathogens are trapped between those sheets and safely removed from the digestive tract so that they cause no further damage as they exit. Calves can then quickly recover, and in 75% of cases will need no further intervention. This effectively disempowers the bug while still allowing an immune response to be generated. Since trials began on farm (and over 900 farms have had the opportunity to trial it), 72% of calves have recovered without antibiotics or further treatment. Of the rest, most had endured previous treatments and antibiotics before the Scour-Mate™was used. It certainly warrants a try on your farm.

You need:

  • Clean shed/environment
  • Clean gear
  • Vigilant staff

We all do our best, but often that is not enough….and the result is scours, and sometimes those scours are deadly. That first feed of newborn calves is more than critical: its life and death! We know its important that calves get good quality colostrum as soon as possible, but it doesn’t happen often enough. And sometimes it does but the calves still get crook, so what’s going on?

The “3 Qs of colostrum” management answer that question. Calves need an appropriate QUANTITY (15% of birth weight) high QUALITY (thick, gooey and a rich yellow) colostrum from the very first milking of the cow QUICKLY (within an hour of birth) to have the best start to life. Dairy Australia has an excellent manual on colostrum harvesting that you can download for free. For further information look up colostrum management here.

Of course, bugs that cause scours can be introduced to calves from all sorts of sources. Staff need to wash their hands frequently and in between handling of calves, particularly sick calves. But the fact remains, E.coli. Is everywhere and they get a dose of this from mum during birth. While staff should arrive at the calf shed in clean clothes and footwear each time they enter, or have a disinfectant footbath (that is changed regularly) and disinfectant spray that they can mist onto their clothes, it is far more important they diligently apply the 3 Qs. This means mum’s antibodies can get into the calf’s gut fast enough and in sufficient numbers to plug the holes in the newborn’s gut (called fenestra) and prevent pathogens setting up camp. Using a broad spectrum disinfectant like Virkon is a good way to minimise introducing bugs, but it won’t touch scours if the colostrum is not sorted. Hygiene around newborn calves is a non-negotiable, but make it really clear to your people that colostrum management trumps that.

I’ve done, that but I still have sick calves…
Even with attention to detail on colostrum feeding and hygiene, it’s almost inevitable that at least one calf every season will still get sick. If you are absolutely certain you have perfectly managed colostrum management, identifying the cause of pathogens is always useful because it’s relatively rare that something other than E coli is the primary cause. When it is, you need to know. Knowing the foreigner can help identify the source and treat it appropriately. Testing kits can be bought through your vet or rural supplies store, or for more information or advice on testing kits and what types of bugs can be tested, you could contact Ngaio Diagnostics in Nelson directly. Scours kills through dehydration and acidosis. It is essential you have restocked with fresh electrolyte prior to calving.

At first sign of scours, the calf must have replacement salts. Try our calf salts – they are inexpensive and contain a nice balance of ingredients. Tube 2 litres of at least the recommended dose straight in, but make sure there is a gap of at least 2 hours since milk. NEVER, EVER mix electrolyte with milk. The calf needs the milk to continue for food, and electrolytes to replace the fluids it squirts out. Increase the number of feeds to 3 of electrolytes and 2 feeds of 2 litres of milk each day, alternating between milk and electrolyte feeding. Remember that electrolytes are just salts, and that the calf still needs the carbohydrate and protein in milk or milk replacer in order to have the energy to fight and grow. Withholding milk, even for just one feed severely compromises the calf’s recovery, starving the calf of vital nutrients.

Choosing products that will help your scouring calves is often more complex than first glance, and no product will never beat that first good feed of colostrum. Probiotics, prebiotics, natural remedies, antibiotics and literally hundreds of products are on the market are all interesting, but won’t replace colostrum, food and calf salts. However, before calving is a perfect time to contact your vet, review your systems and be sure you are on top of the game before calving starts.

For more information, contact us or your vet. We are all only too pleased to help you out.

Other Products for Sheep & Beef Use

If you can’t find the below products locally, please contact us and we will try to help you find what you need.

Aloe Vera Gel

Cobalt Sulphate

Copper Sulphate


Hoof Power Seal

Methylated Spirits


Sodium Molybdate

Zinc Oxide

Zinc Sulphate